Niyama Challenge Day 5 "Ishvarapranidhana - Surrender"

Welcome to the final day, Day 5, of our transformative 5-Day Niyama Challenge! Today, we explore Ishvarapranidhana, the practice of Surrender. In this session, we return to the basics with slow, breath-based movements to cultivate a sense of surrender and connection.

Your Assignments for Day 5:

  1. Surrender Reflection:

During the practice, reflect on moments in your life where surrender led to growth. How can you apply the principle of surrender off the mat?

2. Gratitude Journaling:

After the session, take a moment to jot down three things you're grateful for 2023. Embracing gratitude is a form of surrender to the positive aspects of life.

3. Intention Setting:

As we conclude the challenge, set an intention for how you can incorporate the essence of surrender into your daily life moving forward 2024. Express gratitude for the lessons learned during this Niyama Challenge journey.

In these slow, deliberate movements, find the beauty of surrender and the power it brings to your practice and life.

Subscribe for more yoga inspiration, and thank you for joining me on this Niyama Challenge journey! 🧘‍♂️🌟


Bonus Video "New Year Chanting - Gayatri Mantra"


Niyama Challenge Day 4 "Svadyaya - Self Study/Reflection"